The Finnish Association of Private Care Providers
Who are we?
The Finnish Association of Private Care Providers works to improve the operating environment for companies and organizations that provide services in the social and health sectors. We negotiate national collective agreements for these industries. We look after our members’ common interests and provide advice on employment and business policy issues. Our 1,500 members employ more than 100 000 professionals in the social and health sectors. The Association is a member of EK, the Confederation of Finnish Industries.
Our members provide services for the elderly, services for children and young people, medical services, occupational health services, rehabilitation, oral care, addiction and mental health services, and emergency care services. Many of our members are non-profit organisations.
Main themes
The private care sector aims to provide high-quality social and health services for everyone, regardless of their life situation or means. The various service providers must able to present their offerings to customers on a basis that is both equitable and transparent. In order to improve the quality of services and limit costs, we need healthy competition for care services.
The private sector produces more than a quarter of all social and health services. There are over 100,000 private social and health care sector professionals serving Finnish people across every county and municipality in the country.
The aim of the private care industry is to provide people with the services they need without unreasonable delay and to ensure that those services are well-functioning, of good quality and reasonably priced.

Membership of the Finnish Association of Private Care Providers
We work to improve our members’ operating environment, and we negotiate the binding collective agreements for our industry. If you wish to become a member, please contact Ulla Perämäki (ulla.peramaki@hyvinvointiala.fi)
As a member you receive:
- Advocacy on business and labor market policy issues.
- Free expert legal advice on employment matters.
- Training at special members’ prices.
Contact us